FOSS Backstage 2024

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Adina Glickstein

Writer, editor, and organizer interested in exploring alternative business models for the digital platform economy + studying how software can be cooperatively built, governed, and sustained.

  • Exploring the Intersection Between OSS and Exit to Community
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Alexander Butzlaff

After studying teaching and German language and literature, Alexander Butzlaff ended up in the IT industry via detours in marketing and sales. As a consultant for software asset management, he has supported public and private sector customers of all sizes in licensing software, designing processes and tooling issues. As a license manager in Bundesdruckerei's development division, he has been responsible for software licensing in the context of customer projects and products ranging from ID documents to cloud services since 2021. Since August 2022 he has been focusing strategically and operationally on the use and publication of OSS.

  • OSPOs in Energy, Transport, Automotive & Public Sector
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Ana Jimenez Santamaria

Working as the TODO Group OSPO Program Manager at The Linux Foundation (Based in Europe 🇪🇺), advocating for Open Source Program Office adoption and education across organizations worldwide. Formerly at Bitergia, Software Development Analytics firm. MS in Data Science at URJC.

  • OSPOs in Energy, Transport, Automotive & Public Sector
  • Looking at Open Source Security from the Community Angle
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Anett Hübner

CEO Starwit Technologies GmbH
Building and running software has been Anett's passion for more than 10 years. For more than a decade she maintained ProjectBuilder (, which has been used to kickstart numerous software projects. At Starwit Technologies, she is working on several open source projects.

  • Single Developer Community? About community architecture. 🛈
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Angelika Wittek

Angelika Wittek is a self-employed software engineer and architect. She currently works as a product manager for the openMDM(R)Eclipse Working Group. She supports the Catena-X Automotive Network as an open source governance consultant for the Eclipse Foundation. She is active in the Eclipse community and is a member of the EclipseCon program committee. Angelika holds a degree in computer sciencefrom the University of Würzburg, Germany.

  • Open Source Contributions in Today’s World
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Antonios Hazim

Student Assistent @ nexus Institut
FOSS Developer
MA: Human Factors @ TU Berlin
BA: IT & Political science @ FU Berlin

  • Single Developer Community? About community architecture. 🛈
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Ashley Sametz

Ashley is a semi-professional do-it-all'er, who has spent the past 20-ish years working in public and private sector, usually in security and intelligence, but not always!
While she only understands SQL, she hopes to continue contributing to the OS community in other ways that prove open source is truly for everyone!

  • What being a Biker Gang Investigator taught me about FOSS
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Bertrand Delacretaz

Bertrand Delacretaz works as a Principal Scientist for Adobe in Basel, Switzerland, on large-scale content management systems. He's also an active member of the Apache Software Foundation, serving on its Board of Directors for more than ten years.

  • Distributed teams that actually work!
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Brian Proffitt

Brian Proffitt is Senior Manager, Community Outreach within Red Hat's Open Source Program Office, focusing on enablement, community metrics, and foundation and trade organization relationships--as well as the management of OSPO's budget. Brian's experience with community management includes knowledge of community onboarding, community health, and business alignment.

  • Measuring the Impact of Community Events
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Carmen Delgado

Carmen Delgado joined Eclipse Foundation as Adoptium Community Manager in October 2022 and is responsible for helping the Eclipse Adoptium working group members achieve their goals and objectives and being the bridge between their procedures and Eclipse Foundation processes and Staff. Carmen has a background in project, operations, and financial management in SMEs, non-profits, and start-ups from different industries: healthcare, Pharma, Fintech, and Tech. She also volunteers as a group manager and mentor at Step4ward, a mentoring program in Spain for women starting in the tech world.

  • How contribution programs benefit mentors and participants
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Carolyn Beer
  • Bridging Both Sides: A FOSS Funding LARP 🛈
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Celeste Horgan

Celeste is a Developer Educator at Aiven, where we deploy and help you manage your open source data stack. At Aiven she focuses on advocating for our open source projects. Prior to this, Celeste worked at Stripe and at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, where she supported the CNCF’s hundreds of open source projects with documentation and developer experience. Her work on diversity and inclusion in software has been featured in the New York Times. She lives in Berlin, Germany and is originally from Vancouver, Canada.

  • More than developers: growing your maintainer community
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Chris Chinchilla

Writer on technology, speculative fiction, games, interactive fiction, podcasts, video, and a lot of other wondrous things

  • How to explain your project better 🛈
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Cornelius Schumacher

Cornelius Schumacher is a long-time contributor and leader in the open source community. He has worked on a variety of projects, from volunteer-driven to enterprise. Originally a developer, he has moved into topics of governance, open source compliance, and how to run open source projects well. Cornelius Schumacher works as Open Source Steward in the CTO team of DB Systel helping teams to successfully use and contribute to open source.

  • OSPOs in Energy, Transport, Automotive & Public Sector
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Daniel Guagnin

Daniel is head of the research area network and society at nexus institut in Berlin. In his doctoral thesis he did research on the implications of governance design in linux distributions. Today he does research on the social construction of software in a number of research projects.

  • Single Developer Community? About community architecture. 🛈
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Daniel Zielke

After working in journalism and politics, Daniel Zielke focused on public procurement and the digitization of administration and worked in various open-source companies and associations on this topic. Now he is the Director of Strategic Partnerships at Opentalk GmbH, an innovative, scalable, and secure video conferencing solution and at Heinlein Support, one of Germany's leading open source consulting companies.

  • The Cuckoo in Bidding: When the Manufacturer Loses to Itself
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Dawn Foster

Dr. Dawn Foster works as the Director of Data Science for CHAOSS where she is also a board member / maintainer. She is co-chair of CNCF TAG Contributor Strategy and an OpenUK board member. She has 20+ years of experience at companies like VMware and Intel with expertise in OSPOs, community, strategy, governance, metrics, and more. She has spoken at over 100 industry events and has a BS in computer science, an MBA, and a PhD. In her spare time she enjoys reading science fiction, running, and traveling.

  • A Strategic Approach to Assessing Viability of OSS Projects
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Dawn Wages

Dawn (she/her) is the Chair for the PSF, previous Sponsor chair for several DjangoCons, Wagtail Core Team Member, Python Community Advocate at Microsoft and Django software engineer. She lives in Philadelphia, USA with her partner and dogs watching Star Trek and noodling about inclusive tech.

  • Success through a thousand emails: Fundraising and outreach
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Dirk Gernhardt

Dr. Dirk Gernhardt heads the Competence Center Software Engineering in the IT department of the City of Munich and holds the role of Open Source Representative.
Until 2019, he held the role of Chief IT Architect. Before joining the City of Munich in 2010, he worked as an IT consultant for the automotive industry at Capgemini.

  • Open Source Excellence: Munich's Journey towards Public Code
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Divya Mohan

Divya is a Senior Technical Evangelist at SUSE, where she contributes to Rancher’s cloud native open source projects. She co-chairs the documentation for the Kubernetes project & has previously worked extensively in the systems engineering space during her tenure with HSBC & IGate Global Solutions Pvt Ltd. A co-creator of the KCNA exam & a CNCF ambassador, she is invested in making technical communities & technologies more accessible & inclusive.

  • Navigating the gold rush: Of influencer economies and FOSS
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Dr. Wolfgang Gehring

Dr. Wolfgang Gehring is an ambassador for Open and Inner Source and has been working on enabling and spreading the idea within Mercedes-Benz and its IT-subsidiary Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation (MBTI). A software engineer by trade, Wolfgang’s goal is to help enable Mercedes-Benz to fully embrace FOSS and become a true Open Source company. He has a passion for communities, leads MBTI’s Open Source Program Office, is a member of the Mercedes-Benz FOSS Center of Competence, and a Director of the Eclipse Foundation.

In his free time, Wolfgang likes to engage in conversations about soccer and is an avid traveler and scuba diver. He calls Albert Einstein’s birth city of Ulm his home in Southern Germany.

  • OSPOs in Energy, Transport, Automotive & Public Sector
  • A Journey to Inner Source
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Elio Qoshi

User experience designer at Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, the leading open source operating system. Also founded Ura Design, a small open source design startup that provides design services and support to fellow open source projects.

In the past Elio has been working for Mozilla, Tor Project, The University of Michigan as well the Technical University of Darmstadt.

  • Usability Clinic 🛈
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Eli Zeger

Eli Zeger is a writer and editor based in Ridgewood, New York. His work has appeared in The Baffler, Current Affairs, Noema Magazine, Zora Zine, among numerous other publications.

  • Exploring the Intersection Between OSS and Exit to Community
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Eric Bear

Eric grows complex human networks around meaningful things with aspirations of integrity. Eric has been fostering an ecosystem of people, projects, and organizations as the Director of Ecosystem Growth at Holochain, an open-source dweb project. Before working in tech Eric spent a decade working in environmental and alternative education, co-founding an international network of schools focused on individual and collective determination and organizing called Agile Learning Centers.

  • Bridging Both Sides: A FOSS Funding LARP 🛈
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Eriol Fox

Eriol has been working as a designer for 10+ years working in for-profits and then NGO's and open-source software organisations, working on complex problems like sustainable food systems, peace-building and crisis response technology. Eriol now works at Superbloom design, research, open-source and technology projects.

Eriol is a part-time funded PhD researcher at Newcastle University's Open Lab looking at how designers participate in humanitarian and human rights focussed open-source software projects.

They are also part of the core teams at Open Source Design ( and Human Rights Centred Design working group ( and Sustain UX & Design working group ( and help hosts podcast about open source and design (

Eriol is a non-binary, queer person who uses they/them pronouns.

  • The secret lives of designers in OSS
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Fiona Krakenbürger

Fiona Krakenbürger is one of the co-founders of the Sovereign Tech Fund. The Sovereign Tech Fund supports the development, improvement, and maintenance of open digital infrastructure in the public interest. Fiona has a background in Open Source Funding and has helped bootstrap and implement Programs in Germany and the US. Besides her career in Open Source Funding, Fiona supported and founded various initiatives for more diversity in tech communities. She serves on various committees and boards in the tech and Open Source sector.

  • Freedom vs Sustainable Business: A Candid Necessary Debate
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Frank Karlitschek

Frank Karlitschek is a long time open source contributor and former board member of the KDE e.V. He founded ownCloud in 2010 and the successor Nextcloud in 2016 to create a fully open source and decentralised alternative to big centralized cloud companies. Frank was an invited expert at the W3C to help to create the ActivityPub standard. Frank has spoken at MIT, CERN, Harvard and ETH and keynoted LinuxCon, Latinoware, FOSSASIA, Campus Party and many other conferences. Frank is the founder and CEO of Nextcloud GmbH. He is also a fellow of Open Forum Europe and an advisor to the United Nations regarding Open Source.

  • What the AI revolution means for Open Source and our society
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fukami lives and works in Brussels. He supports public, private and community partners to make open source software secure, for everyone. In the past he worked as information security professional and policy analyst with focus on technology and its effect on society.

  • FOSS and Security Risk Management
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Giacomo Tenaglia

Giacomo Tenaglia is a computer scientist with 25 years of experience of building and running services based on FOSS components. He works at CERN IT department where is currently taking care of configuration management and scientific computing services. Giacomo recently led the initiative to build CERN's Open Source Program Office (OSPO) which is a community driven initiative at CERN to support consistent Open Source practices of software and hardware at CERN.

  • CERN’s Open Source Program Office
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Gratien Dhaese

Being busy with Open Source since the 90s building Open Source CD-ROMs for the Belgian Unix Users Group.
However, my first open source project was "Make CD-ROM Recovery (mkCDrec)" released in 2000, which lead to a complete rewrite in Relax-and-Recover (ReaR) together with my German friend Schlomo Schapiro in 2006. ReaR took a while to take off and lots of energy and time was put into it to become what it is today (most likely the best DR tool for Linux). As ReaR is 100% open source and we did all coding and testing on 'free' time the financial return was close to nil. However, we did not do it for the fame (who knows me?) or the money (could have richer doing paid work), but because I believe in the power of open source. As I use open source on daily basis (for which I also did not have to pay) why should we be selfish?
In the course of the year we wrote several other open source tools which are very useful for certain communities, e.g. ReaR-automated-testing, adhocr, upgrade-ux, horcm-utils, etc. Furthermore, we also assisted in other open source tools like cfg2html.

  • Why is there no new Release? Nobody pays for the basics :-(
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Hazel Devjani

Hazel (she/they) is a political theorist and technologist based in NYC. They are interested in political affects/ emotions, labour, and digital self governance.

  • Exploring the Intersection Between OSS and Exit to Community
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Jan Dittrich

Jan Dittrich is a user researcher, anthropologist and occasional developer. Before they started working on their PhD on learning with instructions at the University of Siegen, they worked at USEEDS° and Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. on Wikipedia and Wikidata. They are also long-time member of the Open Source Design community.

  • Why UX and FOSS clash and what we can do about it
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Johannes Nicolai

Lightning Talk Speaker

  • Open Source and Inner Source for APIs - Can you treat your APIs like your code?
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Jonas van den Bogaard

Jonas van den Bogaard is Open Source Office Lead at Alliander, a distribution system operator (DSO) in the Netherlands. Alliander provides reliable, affordable, and accessible energy transport and distribution to a large part of the Netherlands. Open source has proved to be an enabler of innovation and collaboration. It is Jonas' responsibility to ensure open source & innersource initiatives contribute to Alliander's digital strategy and objectives. Jonas takes a leading role in Alliander’s Open Source Program Office (OSPO). Also, he represents Alliander on LF Energy Technical Advisory Council.

  • OSPOs in Energy, Transport, Automotive & Public Sector
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karel rietveld

Open Source Program Officer at Dutch Tax and Customs Administration

  • OSPOs in Energy, Transport, Automotive & Public Sector
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Katie Wilson

Katie is a lead design researcher at Superbloom, a nonprofit design and research organization that helps Open Source teams design technology and services that center and protect communities’ most vulnerable needs. She is a practitioner of human-centered design research, incorporating mixed methods from social science, UX design, and participatory action research. Before working in public interest tech, she wrote about and researched housing justice and gentrification policy in the San Francisco Bay Area.

  • A UX Toolbox for Usability, Accessibility, and Security
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Klaus Mueller

Klaus 'klml' Mueller is Head of the OSPO of the City of Munich, which was founded at the beginning of the year. Before that, he and his team built the Kubernetes Platform, a world in which FOSS is already standard. Klaus has been a stable FOSS enthusiast since Linux kernel 2.6.0.

  • Open Source Excellence: Munich's Journey towards Public Code
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Kyle J. Davis

Kyle is the Senior Developer Advocate for Bottlerocket and Finch at AWS. Kyle has a long history with open source software development and was a founding contributor to the OpenSearch project. When not working, Kyle enjoys 3D printing and getting his hands dirty in his Edmonton, Alberta-based home garden.

  • How you write matters in open source
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Lina Böcker

Dr Lina Boecker is a well experienced lawyer for information technology (IT) law and one of the few experts in the field of open-source-software (OSS) compliance. She advises a broad range of clients from software developers to international OEMs and public research institutions on all aspects of IT-law.

Lina was admitted to the bar in 2011. After having spent nine years (thereof more than five years as a partner) at a Berlin based boutique law firm for IT law, she joined Osborne Clarke as a partner in 2022.

  • Freedom vs Sustainable Business: A Candid Necessary Debate
  • Open Source Contributions in Today’s World
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Marit Brademann

Marit is works as UX Lead with Ura Design. With 12 years of exprience in digital product, and organisational discovery, design and development, she identifies with being a facilitator, designer, product lead and thought leader. Her topics are responsible tech, collaborative process design and ethical UX design.

  • Usability Clinic 🛈
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Mathias Bolt Lesniak
  • TYPO3's successful approach to supporting government FOSS adoption in the Global South. Example: Rwanda
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Matt Mankins


  • A proposal for a scalable way to fund Open Source with Kudos at Semicolons
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Mayank Jindal

Mayank Jindal is a software engineer at Amazon with over 3 years of experience. His primary focus has been on improving advertising moderation efficiency across Amazon using AI-based techniques and building scalable software around that. Mayank has worked with major cloud technologies and gained expertise in building cloud-based microservices. He is passionate about sharing knowledge and mentoring in the tech community. He has served as a judge in many global hackathons, including those organized by prestigious institutions like MIT and Columbia University. He has mentored underrepresented college students.

In the past, Mayank has been a web developer and Android app developer. Mayank has made significant contributions to the open-source community through participating in Google Summer of Code. He has contributed over 20,000 lines of code to the "Mifos Initiative," a non-profit organization striving to provide financial services to underprivileged populations through its Android app. His contributions extend to mentoring the next generation of open-source contributors through Google Code-In.

He also had the privilege of speaking at tech conference and podcasts which allowed him to share his knowledge and insights with a wider audience.

Mayank holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Chicago and a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.

  • Open Source Inclusivity: Empowering Newcomers
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Melanie Rieback

Dr. Melanie Rieback is CEO/Co-founder of Radically Open Security (the world's first not-for-profit computer security company), and "Post Growth" startup incubator Nonprofit Ventures. She is also a former Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Free University of Amsterdam. She was named "Most Innovative IT Leader of the Netherlands" by CIO Magazine (TIM Award) in 2017, and one of the "9 Most Innovative Women in the European Union" (EU Women Innovators Prize) in 2019. She is also one of the 400 most successful women in the Netherlands by Viva Magazine (Viva400) in 2010 and 2017, and one of the fifty most inspiring women in tech (Inspiring Fifty Netherlands) in 2016, 2017, and 2019. Her company, Radically Open Security was named the 50th Most Innovative SME by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (MKB Innovatie Top 100) in 2016.

  • When business models are conflicting with security
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Miriam Seyffarth
  • Bringing Open Source into the Digital Check for New Legislation
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Mirko Boehm

Mirko Boehm is a free and open source software contributor, community manager, licensing expert and researcher, with contributions to major open source projects like the KDE Desktop (since 1997, including several years on the KDE e.V. board), the Open Invention Network, the Open Source Initiative and others. He is a visiting lecturer and researcher on free and open source software at the Technical University of Berlin. Mirko Boehm has a wide range of experience as an entrepreneur, corporate manager, software developer and German Air Force officer. He joined the Linux Foundation in June 2023 as senior director for community development for Linux Foundation Europe, where he focuses on driving engagement and collaboration between all European open source stakeholders. Mirko speaks English and German and lives in the Berlin area.

  • EU cybersecurity regulation and Open Source governance
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Nancy Reyes

Nancy Reyes Flores is a web accessibility evangelist in Latin America and a Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competency. She has taken leadership in projects working to make websites and apps accessible.
In 2017 founded Accessibility Lab, an organization specialized in digital accessibility and social inclusion for people with disabilities, promoting a new ecosystem: internet for all.
She has collaborated with the Mexican government and other private sector companies.
She also works with non-profit organizations on behalf of the rights for people with disabilities.
She focuses on perspectives and challenges to accomplish digital inclusion.
Nancy is a member of Digital Accessibility Ambassadors, Mexican Council of Accessibility and Inclusion, and Mexican Society of Accessible Technologies and Universal Design. She is also co-chair for the program category, Human Rights-Centered Design on RightsCon Costa Rica Program Committee.

  • Accessibility Clinic 🛈
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ngọc triệu

ngọc practices design and research as interventions to address and reform asymmetrical power relations through the lenses of decoloniality and decentralization. Her work focuses on the intersection of human-centered design, digital rights, and public-interest technology. ngọc has a background in design management, history, and culture; and she loves playing with clay and long walks in the mountains.

  • Bridging Both Sides: A FOSS Funding LARP 🛈
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Nick Vidal

Nick Vidal is Community Manager of ClearlyDefined (hosted by the Open Source Initiative) and Outreach Chair at the Confidential Computing Consortium (hosted by the Linux Foundation). Previously, he was the Director of Community and Business Development at the Open Source Initiative and Director of Americas at the Open Invention Network.

  • Aligning wishes of multiple orgs into an open source project
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Nimisha Vijay

Nimisha is a UX designer originally from India, and currently based in Berlin. With a background in engineering, she ventured into design as a contributor to the open source collaboration platform Nextcloud. She soon transitioned into a full time UX designer and spends her time there working with the open source community to build a better internet. Nimisha also coaches social impact and open source projects at Superbloom, and is a core member of the Open Source Design collective, where she moderates forums, organises events, and studies the fascinating relationship between design and open source. Nimisha believes in privacy, agency, and control over your life on the internet and is fascinated by the role of open source in creating a kinder world.

  • The secret lives of designers in OSS
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Olivia Guyot

Olivia is a senior a geospatial developer involved in several well-known open-source projects in the geospatial information world. She works for Camptocamp, a Swiss service company that promotes open-source and brings its expertise to build mission-critical software for its customers.

Olivia gave several talks these last years in conferences such as FOSS4G ("FOSS for geospatial") to communicate on the projects she's been involved in and try to build stronger communities around open-source software.

  • A modern OS information system for the french fire fighters
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Omotola Eunice OMOTAYO

Omotola is a community builder, leading communities at Outreachy and She Code Africa, among others. She is passionate about community, open source, advocacy, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

She founded Elegance Media Agency out of her passion to help organizations, businesses, and individuals leverage the power of their online presence and community. She also empowers people to learn the skills needed to do the same.

Omotola understands how communities work and creates an extraordinarily welcoming and safe environment for community users.

  • Docs For All: Improving Open Source Accessibility
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Paloma Oliveira

Meet Paloma Oliveira, a dedicated FLOSS advocate since 2009. In 2020, she joined the Sauce Labs team in OSPO and is now a Growth Engineer. During her free time, she’s a wholehearted explorer, critically thinking of code as a tool to reshape a better future for all while promoting equity and accessibility. Paloma also finds fulfillment in co-organizing PyLadies Berlin, offering guidance at FrauenLoop, and co-founding Berlin’s Center for Netart.

  • Freedom vs Sustainable Business: A Candid Necessary Debate
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Peer Heinlein

For over 30 years, Peer Heinlein has been an expert in secure electronic communication. With a team of 75 members, he educates system administrators at the Berlin Linux Academy and provides reliable email communication for authorities and businesses through, which has been award-winning several times. His latest venture is OpenTalk: An innovative, scalable, and secure video conferencing solution for Europe, designed as a modern replacement for Jitsi or Big Blue Button and a secure alternative to Zoom, Teams, or Webex. Naturally, it's open source.

  • The Cuckoo in Bidding: When the Manufacturer Loses to Itself
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Per Ploug Krogslund

Spend the last 20 years working in Open Source, first as the Co-founder of the most widely used open source content management system in the Microsoft ecosystem (Umbraco) powering over a million websites, then went on to found the OSPO teams in Zalando and Spotify.

Currently works as Director of developer relations at the open source company Docker.

  • Has Open Source outgrown the OSPO?
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Petteri Kivimäki

Petteri Kivimäki is the CTO of the Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS). NIIS is a non-profit association with the mission to ensure the development and strategic management of X-Road® and other cross-border components for digital government infrastructure. The republics of Estonia, Finland and Iceland are members of NIIS.

Before joining the NIIS, Petteri worked as a technology architect in a leading global professional services company. From 2014 to 2017 Petteri worked at the Population Register Centre of Finland as an information systems manager. He was the technical lead of X-Road implementation project in Finland and was coordinating the joint open source development of the X-Road solution between Finland and Estonia.

Petteri holds a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering from the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Also, Petteri is a certified cloud and technology architect.

  • Automating Open-Source License Compliance
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Powen Shiah


  • Working in Open Source and Public Service in Germany (and the Sovereign Tech Fund)
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Raashi Saxena

Raashi Saxena is a trainer and strategy consultant for the Accessibility Lab with extensive experience as a technologist, social impact innovator, and practitioner. She serves in a number of advisory roles, including for The Internet Rights & Principles Dynamic Coalition, Missions Publiques’s “We, the Internet" Project, and Threading Change, a sustainable fashion non-profit. As an international speaker, Raashi has spoken on panels and conferences across Africa, Asia, and Europe. She was highlighted as an expert in Mozilla's 2022 Internet Health Report and Pew Research Center's 2021 Report on Digital Spaces. Recognized by World Economic Forum as one of the Six Inspirational Young Female Leaders, Saxena is currently the Curator of Global Shapers Bengaluru Hub and is one of the 300 leaders of the 2020 Women Deliver Young Leaders Program represented by 96 countries. Raashi is based in Bangalore, India.

  • Accessibility Clinic 🛈
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Rich Bowen

Rich Bowen has been involved in open source since before we started calling it that. He's a member of the Apache Software Foundation, where he currently serves as a board member. Rich is an Open Source Strategist at AWS

  • Talking with management about open source
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Ruth Cheesley

Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects.

Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as Project Lead for Mautic, supporting the community who build and maintain the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform.

Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and flautist (but not at the same time!) and is based in the East of England.

  • Changing the governance model of an established project
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Schlomo Schapiro

Schlomo Schapiro is an Agile IT and Open Source enthusiast dedicated to advancing an agile mindset and a DevOps-orientated culture in IT. He works at Tektit Consulting in Berlin, is author of several Open Source projects, conference speaker and regularly publishes blog and magazine articles.

  • Why is there no new Release? Nobody pays for the basics :-(
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Scott Jenson

Scott Jenson started as a UX designer at Apple in 1988 working System 7, Newton, and the Apple Human Interface guidelines. He moved to London to be Director of Symbian’s DesignLab, then back to California to manage Mobile UX at Google, then creative director for frog design. Headed up design for two startups and eventually returned to Google to work on the Physical Web project and Android UX research. Now semi-retired.

  • Size matters: Why some projects can't do UX well
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Shane Curcuru

Shane has been volunteering at the ASF since 1999, serving on multiple projects and roles including as VP, Brand Management, and as a many-term Director, as well as speaking at ApacheCon, and other great places like FOSSBackstage, OSCON, All Things Open, and more.

Otherwise, Shane is a father, husband, and friend. Oh, and we have cats! Find me on socials at ShaneCurcuru.

  • Who Funds FOSS Foundations?
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Tarus Balog

Tarus Balog has been involved in managing communications networks professionally since 1988, and unprofessionally since 1978 when he got his first computer - a TRS-80 from Radio Shack. After working as a network management consultant for many years, he got involved in open source software through the OpenNMS Project starting in 2001 and became the maintainer of the project in 2002. He built a company around that project that counted some of the world's largest companies as customers, and the company was sold in 2019. Since 2022 he has been an advocate for open source at Amazon Web Services as a Principal Open Source Strategist.

  • Adventures with Open Source Business Models
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Thomas Steenbergen

Thomas Steenbergen helps organizations manage open source in a strategic and efficient manner that meets their business needs. Previously he was the Head of Open Source Program Office at EPAM Systems and HERE Technologies. He is maintainer of OSS Review Toolkit, SPDX, TODO group and a regular contributor to FINOS's Open Source Readiness and OpenChain. He is a frequent speaker and panelist at various global open source conferences and is always happy to start a conversation around anything open source. See also for contact and project details.

  • Freedom vs Sustainable Business: A Candid Necessary Debate
  • Aligning wishes of multiple orgs into an open source project
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Tom "spot" Callaway

Tom is a Principal Open Source Strategist for AWS. He has been a part of the open source community since 1997, when he skipped his last day of junior high to go to Linux Expo. During college, he worked for a high-availability startup to cover tuition, and when they crashed along with the majority of the IT sector, he dropped out of college and went to work for Red Hat full-time, where he stayed for almost twenty years.
He’s an active contributor to Fedora and helped to write the Fedora Packaging and Legal Guidelines which are still (mostly) in use today.
He’s spoken at a number of conferences and events including SxSW, OSCON, Open Source Summit, and Red Hat Summit. He has one patent on a crazy idea that never got implemented in the real world, and is co-author of Raspberry Pi Hacks (2013, O’Reilly). When he’s not working, he finds enjoyment in 3D printing, pinball, games (board & video), geocaching, craft beer, LEGO, B-movies, science fiction, trivia, and
traveling. He lives in Cary, NC. Tom is also known as “spot” by many people in the open source universe, he’s gone by that nickname since
the 1st grade, and he happily answers to it.

  • Embracing your weird: Community Building through Fun & Play
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Zainab Daodu

A Software Engineer and Technical Writer with over four years of experience developing, testing, and maintaining enterprise software applications. Passionate about contributing to open source, improving technical documentation and advocating for gender diversity in open source collaboration.

She has reached and impacted over a thousand African women in Technology and currently runs a technical writing bootcamp - WriteTech - a 4-week Technical writing boot camp aimed at upscaling Technical writing beginners that runs twice a year.

  • Docs For All: Improving Open Source Accessibility