FOSS Backstage Design

Building an Open Source Community Beyond the Code
03-06, 12:10–12:30 (Europe/Berlin), Main Hall

We will share our experience on how simple and effective strategies can make an open source project be more visible and inclusive.

This presentation focuses on the essence of open source projects - the community. It delves into attracting the right individuals, fostering a welcoming and diverse community, and sustaining energy and growth over time. Strategies for enhancing the online visibility of projects will be shared, highlighting the impact of a diverse community, with its array of ideas, perspectives, and experiences, in shaping superior products. This diversity not only drives innovation and improves functionality but also appeals to various user groups. The discussion will also cover strategies for keeping the community engaged, satisfied, and expanding, drawing from collective experiences and the shared goal of creating a digital tool that is inclusive, accessible, and innovative. Moreover, the talk will address the inclusion of designers in the open source community, emphasizing the significance of design thinking and visual communication in project development. Suitable for both newcomers and veterans in open source, drawing from our experience and real-life examples within the Penpot Community, this talk underscores the human aspect of technology and strategies for ensuring a project's success and growth.

See also: Slides (3.7 MB)

I’m passionate about innovation with a people-centric approach. Maker, nomad and daydreamer. Always looking for new experiences.

Committed to using communication as a tool for positive change, I'm proud to be part of the impactful Kaleidos and Penpot Community team.