2025-03-11 –, Auditorium
An overview of the City of Paris' journey in Open Source, from its signature city digital services platform Lutece created in 2001 to its new software suite CiteLibre through the creation of its open source program office in 2022 and its open source policy started 23 years ago
First French administration to publish its source code in 2002, the City of Paris has since developed an open source strategy to manage and share its in-house digital services solution, Lutece, develop its open source culture and participate in other open initiatives. An insight into the creation of its OSPO and the roadmap implemented.
Open Source program officer at the City of Paris' CIO office.
Software engineer and project manager, Philippe Bareille has been the advocate and representative of Paris' signature city services platform Lutece and its new preasembled service packs CiteLibre. Long-time passionate about open source software in the public sector in particular, where public money must contribute to financing public code, he manages the relationships between the internal development teams and the communities of users and contributors.