FOSS Backstage 2025

Hey, nice to meet you!

We’re glad that you want to contribute to our event with your proposal. Let’s get started, this won’t take long.

Attention: Text beyond the character limit will be droped! Please write at most 60 characters.

Please give a quick summary of what you want to present. Think of it as a teaser for your session. Attention: Text beyond the character limit will be droped! Please write at most 350 characters.

Here is the place for a longer, more detailled description of your talk. What will you talk about? Why is the topic relevant for the audience? What are the main take-aways? Please write at least 350 characters.

Do have any special requirements for your talk? e.g. a white board, chairs on stage, wheel chair accessibility

If you have a co-speaker, please add their email address here, and we will invite them to create an account. Multiple co-speakers can be added by editing your proposal after submitting it. Please make sure to add them after finishing the proposal process, since co-speakers added after the CfP closes won't receive a free ticket to the conference.