Florian Scholz
Florian Scholz is the Director of Open Web Docs. He began volunteer editing MDN Web Docs as a teen in 2009 and previously worked at Mozilla as MDN's Lead Content Strategist, Technical Writer & Documentation Engineer from 2013 until 2020. He's one of the creators of the browser compatibility data (BCD) project and it makes him happy when open source projects collaborate. He lives in Bremen, Germany; not in Berlin. Other than submitting and reviewing PRs on GitHub, he enjoys listening to wave and post-punk music.
Open Web Docs has raised more than $3m from diverse funding sources for open source web platform documentation. Funds support a small global team, contractors and minor expenses. This talk is a case study on the economics of OWD: how we “sell” open documentation (which isn’t on software dependency lists) and diversify fundraising strategies.