FOSS Backstage 2025

Angelika Wittek

Angelika Wittek is a self-employed software engineer and architect.
She currently works as a product manager for the openMDM(R) Eclipse Working Group and supports companies
and industry collaborations to implement their open source strategy.
She is active in the Eclipse community and is a member of the OCX program committee.
Angelika holds a degree in computer science from the University of Würzburg, Germany.


FOSS, AI and non-code artifacts - what’s new and noteworthy?
Dr. Lina Böcker, Angelika Wittek

What about the licensing of AI and AI generated artifacts? Can AI be Open Source? FOSS licensing is not all about code, it is also about AI models, icons, fonts, documents, music, etc. This talk will lead you from FOSS to AI, considering potential licenses for (AI generated) non-code and the question whether code-licenses are suitable for non-code.

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