Batool Almarzouq
I'm an honorary research fellow at the University of Liverpool and a Research Project Manager for AI for Multiple Long Term Conditions: Research Support Facility (AIM RSF) at the Alan Turing Institute. I believe that Open science is fundamentally about decolonisation by challenging the legacy of settler colonialism, which often marginalised Indigenous knowledge systems, and by promoting the integration and respect of these diverse perspectives in the broader scientific discourse. I lead the Open Science community Saudi Arabia (OSCSA) which introduces and contextualises Open Science practices in Arabic-speaking countries.
Open Science materials, created by open source often centre on English, sidelining 75% of the world who don't speak it. In this session, we share the creation of "Open Science MOOCs" for Arabic speakers blending videos, quizzes and RTL-friendly design. Learn how we navigated multilingual UX challenges to build truly inclusive Open Science resources