FOSS and Security Risk Management
03-04, 12:10–12:40 (Europe/Berlin), Stage Wintergarten

Due to the complex nature of software products, it's not always possible to patch all known vulnerabilities and insecurities in time. But how to take the choice what to take care about? And are there legal requirements?

Recent and ongoing EU legislation concerning data protection, product and service security fundamentally change how insecurity is supposed to be dealt with. For FOSS, managing security risks is crucial, and this talk is examining its intersection with these recent legal changes. The talk will focus on practical approaches, strategies and frameworks for assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating security risks. Whether you're a FOSS enthusiast, developer, or security professional, this talk provides valuable insights into safeguarding FOSS use within a shifting regulatory landscape.

See also: Slides (3.6 MB)

fukami lives and works in Brussels. He supports public, private and community partners to make open source software secure, for everyone. In the past he worked as information security professional and policy analyst with focus on technology and its effect on society.