Intellectual Property Primer
03-14, 11:10–11:55 (Europe/Berlin), Online Stage

If you write or contribute to Open Source, you will inevitably need to interact with the legal aspects of your contribution. We normally just think about the Licensing aspects of Open Source, but all open source projects really need to consider all parts of what is termed “Intellectual Property”. This session, specifically oriented to the open source community, both contributors and users, individuals and companies, will provide an overview of what Intellectual Property really is, why awareness and understanding is vital when engaging with open source, and how to ensure compliance to allow you to make the most of the benefits that Open Source provides. You will leave with a solid working knowledge of not only Licensing, and the different between various Open Source Licenses, such as BSD and GPL, but also patents and marks.

Jim Jagielski is a well-known and acknowledged expert and visionary in open source, an accomplished coder, and frequent engaging presenter on all things open source, web, and cloud related. As a developer, he’s made substantial code contributions to just about every core technology behind the internet and web and in 2012 was awarded the O’Reilly Open Source Award. In 2015, he received the Innovation Luminary Award from the EU and in 2019 was picked by InterCon as one of their Top 50 Tech Leaders. He’s likely best known as one of the developers and cofounders of the Apache Software Foundation, where he has previously served as both chairman and president and where he’d been on the board of directors for its first 20 years. He’s served as president of the Outercurve Foundation and was also a director of the Open Source Initiative (OSI). He’s Salesforce’s Open Source Program Office lead, and he credits his wife Eileen with keeping him sensible.